
DEMOS publications are available for download below. For press releases on research, multimedia content, and contact information, visit the Scientific Communication Platform.

#Journal Articles

#Book Chapters

#Policy Briefs

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Journal Articles

30/09/2024—Connecting the Dots with Causal Attitude Network (CAN): A Psychological Network Approach to Populist Attitudes, Nativism, Conspiracy Mentality and Threat Appraisals. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives. By David Abadi, Tisa Bertlich, Jonas Dalege, and Agneta Fischer (University of Amsterdam).
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30/09/2024—Anti-establishment sentiments: realistic and symbolic threat appraisals predict populist attitudes and conspiracy mentality. Cognition and Emotion. By David Abadi, Jan Willem van Prooijen, André Krouwel, and Agneta H. Fischer (University of Amsterdam).
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18/06/2024—Strategies to combat misinformation: Enduring effects of a 15-minute online intervention on critical-thinking adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior. By Gábor Orosz, Laura Faragó, Benedek Paskuj, Péter Krekó (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University).
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30/05/2024—Softly empowering a prosocial expert in the family: lasting effects of a counter-misinformation intervention in an informational autocracy. Scientific Reports. By Gábor Orosz, Laura Faragó, Benedek Paskuj, Zsófia Rakovics, Diane Sam‑Mine, Gilles Audemard, Mouny Samy Modeliar, Péter Krekó (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University).
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29/04/2024—Populism Versus Nativism: Socio-Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Emotional Predictors. American Behavioral Scientist. By David Abadi, Tisa Bertlich, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Agneta Fischer (University of Amsterdam).
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27/12/2023—The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies: The Case of (Im)migration (2015-2018). Polish Yearbook of International Law 2022. By Lukasz Gruszczynski and Réka Friedery (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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31/07/2023—The Alternative Media-Information Sources “Liked” by the Populist Political Leaders in the Visegrad Group and Italy on Facebook: A Comparative Perspective. Mediální studia / Media Studies. By Andrej Školkay and Adina Marincea (School of Communication and Media, Bratislava).
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07/06/2023—A Safety Net Against Populism? An Investigation of the Interaction Effect of Political Efficacy and Democratic Capacities on Populist Attitudes. Political Research Exchange. By Márton Bene and Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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03/05/2023—A Prosocial Fake News Intervention with Durable Effects. Scientific Reports. By Gábor Orosz (University of Lille), Benedek Paskuj (University College London), Laura Faragó (Eötvös Loránd University), and Péter Krekó (Political Capital).
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01/12/2022—Heroisation and Victimisation: Populism, Commemorative narratives and National Days in Hungary and Poland. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. By Artur Lipinski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan) and Gabriella Szabo (Centre for Social Sciences).
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01/12/2022—The Impact of Populism on Constitutional Interpretation in the EU Member States. The International Journal of Human Rights. By Zoltán Szente and Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz (Centre for Social Sciences).
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30/11/2022—Theory, Methodology, and Background Information to the Four-Case Studies. Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne (Central European Political Studies). By Andrej Školkay and Adina Marincea (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA).
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30/11/2022—The Affinity of the Former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš Towards Alternative Media on Facebook. Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne (Central European Political Studies). By Andrej Školkay (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA) et al.
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30/11/2022—The Populist Leaders’ Affinity Towards Alternative Media on Facebook in Slovakia. Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne (Central European Political Studies). By Andrej Školkay and Igor Daniš (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA).
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01/09/2022—Schools’ We-mentality and Students’ Civic Engagement – A Text-based Approach. Child Indicators Research. By Hendrik Hüning (University of Hamburg).
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17/06/2022—Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Populist Leaders in Italy. Studia Politica Slovaca. By Arturo Bertero (University of Turin).
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17/06/2022—Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Nigel Farage and the UKIP Party in the UK. Studia Politica Slovaca. By Lena Karamanidou and Osman Sahin (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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17/06/2022—Media Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Erdoğan and the AKP in Turkey. Studia Politica Slovaca. By Osman Sahin (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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18/05/2022—Populism and Social Media: An Introduction Into Meta-theory. Studia Politica Slovaca, 2-3/2021, Special Issue (2021). By Andrej Školkay (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA).
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18/05/2022—Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Populist leaders and Populist Parties in Slovakia. Studia Politica Slovaca, (2021). By Andrej Školkay and Adina Marincea (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA).
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18/05/2022 - France: Two Separate Populist Parties; Two Separate Networks and One Go-Between Group. Studia Politica Slovaca, (2021). By Martin Baloge and Nicolas Hubé (University of Lorraine, UL).
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18/05/2022 - Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Populist Leaders and Populist Parties in Poland. Studia Politica Slovaca, (2021). By Artur Lipiński (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań).
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18/05/2022—Media Sources Shared and Networking on Facebook. A Comparative Perspective. Studia Politica Slovaca, (2021). By Andrej Školkay and Adina Marincea (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA).
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31/03/2022—The Twilight of Parliament – Parliamentary Law and Practice in Hungary in Populist Times. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies (2021). By Zoltán Szente (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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28/03/2022—Populism and Law in Hungary – Introduction to the Special Issue (The Effects of Populist Governance on the Hungarian Legal System, edited by Tamás Hoffmann and Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz; Centre for Social Sciences, CSS). Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Tamás Hoffmann and Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz (CSS).
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28/03/2022—Constitutional Changes in Populist Times. Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Zoltán Szente (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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28/03/2022—‘Everyday Judicial Populism’ in Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Mátyás Bencze (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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28/03/2022—Sectoral Special Taxes in Hungary as Instruments of a Populist Fiscal Policy: A Legal Analysis. Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Marton Varju and Mónika Papp (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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28/03/2022—Labor Law Reforms after the Populist Turn in Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Sara Hungler (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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28/03/2022—Two Decades of Penal Populism – The Case of Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Zsolt Boda, Mihály Tóth, Miklós Hollán, and Attila Bartha (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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28/03/2022—Illegal Legality and the Façade of Good Faith – Migration and Law in Populist Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law (2022). By Tamás Hoffmann (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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26/03/2022—Enmeshing the Mundane and the Political: Twitter, LGBTI+ Outing and Macro-political Polarisation in Turkey. Contemporary Politics (2020). By Ozge Ozduzen and Umut Korkut (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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22/02/2022—How Populist Are Populist Parties in France? Understanding Parties’ Strategies Within a Systemic Approach. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology (2022). By Martin Baloge and Nicolas Hubé (University of Lorraine).
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03/02/2022—Paradoxes of Populism in the Pandemic and Beyond: A Commentary on Rogers Brubaker’s Essay. Intersections (2021). By Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences).
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02/11/2021—Two Influential Concepts: Socialist Legality and Constitutional Identity and Their Impact on the Independence of the Judiciary. German Law Journal (2021). By Fruzsina Gardos-Orosz (Centre for Social Sciences).
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16/09/2021—Anxious and Angry: Emotional Responses to the COVID-19 Threat. Frontiers in Psychology (2021)By David Abadi, Irene Arnaldo, and Agneta Fischer (University of Amsterdam).
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06/07/2021 — Covid-19 and Emergency Laws in Denmark. Svensk Juristtidning (2020). By Annemette Fallentin Nyborg, Sune Klinge, Helle Krunke, and Jens Elo Rytter (University of Copenhagen).
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1/07/2021 — When Populists Govern: The Case of Economic and Criminal Justice Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Archive for Legal and Social Sciences​ (2020). By Borko Mihajlović and Veljko Turanjanin (University for Business Engineering and Management).
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01/07/2021 — Populism and Pronatality Policy with Reference to BIH. Archive for Legal and Social Sciences​ (2020). By Boris Krešić (University for Business Engineering and Management).
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17/06/2021—The Reference to Constitutional Traditions in Populist Constitutionalism – The Case of Hungary. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies (2021). By Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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16/06/2021—Rule of Law vs. Poland and Hungary – An Inconsistent Approach? Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies (2021). By Nasiya Darminova (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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27/04/2021—Us vs. Them: A Dataset of Populist Attitudes, News Bias and Emotions. In: Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume, Anthology (2021). By Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot, David Abadi, Agneta Fischer, and Ekaterina Shutova (University of Amsterdam).
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15/04/2021—The Pragmatics behind Politics: Modelling Metaphor, Framing and Emotion in Political Discourse. ACL Anthology (2020). By Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot, Verna Dankers, David Abadi, Agneta Fischer, and Ekaterina Shutova (University of Amsterdam).
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15/04/2021—Populizm a medialne struktury możliwości. Przypadek nowych mediów (Populism and Media Opportunity Structures. The Case of New Media). Władza sądzenia (Power of judgement) (2020). By Artur Lipiński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan).
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04/03/2021—Explaining Judicial Populism in Hungary—A legal Realist Approach. Iuris Dictio (2020). By Mátyás Bencze (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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12/01/2021—How Populists Securitize Elections to Win Them: The 2015 Double Elections in Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey (2021). By Osman Sahin (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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06/01/2020—Boris Kollár and OĽaNO Party Communication on Facebook. Politické Vedy (2020). By Marincea Adina and Andrej Školkay (School of Communication and Media, Bratislava).
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​10/11/2020—Justifying Supranational Responses to the Anti-constitutionalist challenge: Applying Liberal Multiculturalism as a Background Theory. Global Constitutionalism (2020). By Zsolt Körtvélyesi and Balázs Majtényi (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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17/09/2020—‘Refugees Are Not Welcome’: Digital Racism, Online Placemaking and the Evolving Categorization of Syrians in Turkey. New Media & Society (2020). By Ozge Ozduzen (Brunel University London), Umut Korkut (Glasgow Caledonian University), and Cansu Ozduzen (University of Westminster).
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15/09/2020—Can Human Evolution Help us Understand the Support for Populist Movements? Political Insight (2020). By Bogdan Ianosev and Osman Sahin (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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27/07/2020—Does Context Matter? A Cross-Country Investigation of the Effects of the Media Context on External and Internal Political Efficacy. International Journal of Comparative Sociology (2020). By Márton Bene (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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17/07/2020—When Populist Leaders Govern: Conceptualising Populism in Policy Making. Politics and Governance (2020). By Attila Bartha, Zsolt Boda, and Dorottya Szikra (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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23/01/2020—Populistyczna Partia Polityczna Jesteśmy Rodziną – Boris Kollár (Populist Political Movement Sme Rodina – Boris Kollár [We Are a Family – Boris Kollár]). Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne (Central European Political Studies) (2019). By Andrej Školkay and Viera Žúborová (School of Communication and Media, Bratislava).
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Book Chapters

12/05/2022—Populism and Contemporary Democracy. In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Josep Maria Castellà Andreu and Marco Antonio Simonelli (University of Barcelona).
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12/05/2022—Constitutional Effects of Populism in EU Member States, 2010–2020. In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Zoltán Szente and Fruzsina Gárdos Orosz (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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12/05/2022—Constitutional Erosion in Spain: From the Catalan Pro-Independence Crisis to the (Intended) Judiciary Reforms. In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Núria González Campañá (University of Barcelona).
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12/05/2022—The “EU Populist Crisis”: The Effect of Populism on the EU Legal Order and Vice Versa: Populism, EU Responses and EU Constitutional Identity. In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Helle Krunke, William Alexander Tornøe, and Caroline Egestad Wegener (University of Copenhagen).
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12/05/2022—Preserving Democracy and the Rule of Law in a Pandemic. Some Lessons from the Venice Commission. In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Josep Maria Castellà Andreu (University of Barcelona).
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12/05/2022—“To Watch and Control the Government”. ‘Rediscovering’ Parliaments’ Oversight Function. In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Marco Antonio Simonelli (University of Barcelona).
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12/05/2022—Might COVID-19 Help Strengthening European Democracies? In: Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe (2022). Palgrave Macmillan. By Tania Groppi (University of Siena).
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19/10/2021—The Effect of Political Regimes on Policy Agendas: A Theoretical Framework. In: Policy Agendas in Autocracy, and Hybrid Regimes (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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15/07/2021—Populism, Party Politics and the Economic Crisis in Greece: a Comparison with the case of Portugal. In: Greece and the Euro: from crisis to recovery (2021). Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK. By Dimitri Sotiropoulos (Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy, Athens).
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06/07/2021—A populisták jobban csinálják? A koronavírus-járvány közpolitikai tanulságai: járványkezelés az európai liberális és populista demokráciákban (Are the Populists Doing Better? Public Policy Lessons of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Management of the Pandemic in Europe's Liberal and Populist Democracies). In: Vírusba oltott politika: Világjárvány és politikatudomány (Virus Vaccinated by Politics: Pandemics and Political Sciences vaccinated) (2020). Napvilág Kiadó, Budapest. By Attila Bartha, Marianna Kopasz, and Judit Takács (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest). (Publication in Hungarian.)
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02/07/2021—Populism and Populist Constitutionalism. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Zoltán Szente (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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02/07/2021—The Art of Constitutional Interpretation. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz and Zoltán Szente (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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02/07/2021—An 'Instrument of Government' or 'Instrument of Courts'? The Impact of Political Systems on Constitutional Interpretation and the case of Populism. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Anna Gamper (University of Innsbruck).
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02/07/2021—Can There Be Autochthonous Methods of Constitutional Interpretation? In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Mark Tushnet (Harvard University).
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02/07/2021—Formalism and Judicial Self-restraint as Tools Against Populism? Considerations Regarding Recent Developments of the Austrian Constitutional Court. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Konrad Lachmayer (Sigmund Freud University in Vienna).
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02/07/2021—The Czech Constitutional Court in Times of Populism: From Judicial Activism to Judicial Self-restraint. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Zdeněk Kühn (Charles University).
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02/07/2021—Popular Initiatives, Populism and the Croatian Constitutional Court. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Djordje Gardasevic (University of Zagreb).
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02/07/2021—Constitutional Identity as a Populist Notion? The Council of State and the Forging of the Greek Constitutional Identity Through the Crisis. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Apostolos Vlachogiannis (Hellenic Open University).
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02/07/2021—Constitutional Interpretation Under the New Fundamental Law of Hungary. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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02/07/2021—The Populist Reforms in Italy and the Instrument of the Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Gianmario Demuro (University of Cagliari) and Riccardo Montaldo (University of Kassel and University of Cagliari).
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02/07/2021—Whatever Works: Constitutional Interpretation in Poland in Times of Populism. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Wojciech Brzozowski (University of Warsaw).
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02/07/2021—Non Sequiturs in Constitutional Adjudication: Populism or Epistemic Deficit? In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Alexandra Mercescu (West University of Timisoara).
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02/07/2021—Constitutional Interpretation and Populism in Contemporary Spain. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Francisco Balaguer Callejón (University of Granada).
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02/07/2021—Populism, UK Sovereignty, the Rule of Law and Brexit. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By John McEldowney (University of Warwick).
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02/07/2021—Born Populist: The Trump Administration, the Courts and the Constitution of the United States. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Mark A. Graber (University of Maryland).
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02/07/2021—Constitutional Interpretation: What Can Europeans Learn from US Debates? In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Martin Loughlin (London School of Economics and Political Science).
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02/07/2021—Populist and Non-democratic Reading of the Constitution: Sad Lessons from Latin America In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Pablo Riberi (University of Córdoba).
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02/07/2021—Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation: An Assessment. In: Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond (2021). Routledge. By Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz and Zoltán Szente (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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2/05/2021—Democratic Efficacy and Populist Attitudes: A Conceptual and Empirical Exploration. In: Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies (2021). HBS Prague. By Márton Bene and Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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12/05/2021—The COVID-19 Related Communication of Italian Politicians and Its Success on Facebook. In: Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies (2021). HBS Prague. By Arturo Bertero (University of Turin).
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12/05/2021—The Cause and Retort of Populism: A Formal Political Reasoning (Politics) Without Distinct Ideology as a Response to a Political-Moral Crisis – Turning Laclau’s Theory into a Research Tool. In: Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies (2021). HBS Prague. By Andrej Školkay (School of Communication and Media, Bratislava).
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12/05/2021—Covid-19 and Constitutional Law in Denmark. In: Covid-19 and Constitutional Law. Covid-19 et droit constitutionnel. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Biblioteca Jurídica Virtual (2020). By Sune Klinge, Helle Krunke, Annemette Fallentin Nyborg, and Jens Elo Rytter (University of Copenhagen).
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08/04/2021—Between Mitigation and Dramatization: The Effect of the COVID-19 Crisis on Populists’ Discourses and Strategies. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Giuliano Bobba (University of Turin) and Nicolas Hubé (University of Lorraine). Download the publication.

06/04/2021—Poland: ‘If We Don't Elect the President, the Country Will Plunge into Chaos’. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Artur Lipiński (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań).
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01/04/2021—Czech Republic: Running the State like a Family Business. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Ondřej Císař and Michal Kubát (Charles University, Prague).
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31/03/2021—Hungary: Crisis as Usual - Populist Governance and the Pandemic. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Márton Bene and Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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​25/03/2021—Germany: The AfD’s Staggering between Reason and Resistance. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Oliver W. Lembcke (Ruhr-University Bochum).
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23/03/2021—France: Governmental Unpreparedness as a Discursive Opportunity for Populists. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Martin Baloge and Nicolas Hubé (University of Lorraine).
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19/03/2021—Italy: Populist in the Mirror, (De)politicizing the COVID-19 from Government and Opposition. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Arturo Bertero and Antonella Seddone (University of Turin).
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18/03/2021—Spain: Is Ideology Back in Populist Discourse?. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Jaume Magre, Lluis Medir, and Esther Pano (University of Barcelona).
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16/03/2021—UK: Between Managed Moderation and Far-right Conspiracy Theories. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Osman Sahin and Bogdan Ianosev (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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10/03/2021—COVID-19 and Populism: A Sui Generis Crisis. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (2021). Palgrave Macmillan. By Giuliano Bobba (University of Turin) and Nicolas Hubé (University of Lorraine).
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24/11/2020—Transnational Solidarity Among European Cities. In: Transnational Solidarity: Concept, Challenges and Opportunities (2020). By Helle Krunke and Katarina Hovden (University of Copenhagen).
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Policy Briefs

11/07/2022—Varieties of Populism and Democratic Efficacy: Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations from DEMOS (2022). By Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos (Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy) and Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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11/07/2022—Varieties of Populism and Democratic Efficacy: How to Develop Democratic Efficacy? (2022). By Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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11/07/2022—Varieties of Populism and Democratic Efficacy: Journalism, Populism, and Democratic Efficacy (2022). By Gabriella Szabó (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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11/07/2022—Varieties of Populism and Democratic Efficacy: Findings from a Social Media Analysis (2022). By Artur Lipiński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan).
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11/07/2022—Varieties of Populism and Democratic Efficacy: Civic Strategies Addressing Populism (2022). By Assya Kavrakova (European Citizen Action Service).
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11/07/2022—Varieties of Populism and Democratic Efficacy: Populist Constitutionalism (2022). By Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest) et al.
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Conference Papers

09/02/2021—Polarization and the Disintegration of the Polity. Reflections on Populism and the Future of Liberal Democracies (2021). By Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences).
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Working Papers

03/08/2022—Populist Communication, Cognitive Processing Styles and Emotions (2022). By David Abadi and Agneta Fischer (University of Amsterdam).
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07/06/2022—Does Deliberative Democracy Wane Populist Sentiments? Measuring democratic efficacy at citizens’ assemblies in Eastern and Western Europe (2022). By Dániel Oross (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest) et al.
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31/05/2022—Legal Responses to Populism: Best Practices at National and European Levels (2022). By Helle Krunke (University of Copenhagen) et al.
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05/05/2022—Why do People Agree with Populists? A Comparative Study on Attitudes and Social Media Use (2022). By Osman Sahin (Glasgow Caledonian University) et al.
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05/05/2022—Between Normalisation and Polarisation: Media Populism in Comparative Perspective (2022). By Giuliano Bobba (University of Turin) et al.
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11/03/2022—Exiting the Echo Chamber: Can Discussions in Randomly Formed Groups Change Opinions and Votes? (2022). By Hendrik Hüning, Lydia Mechtenberg (University of Hamburg), and Stephanie W. Wang (University of Pittsburgh).
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11/03/2022—Detecting Arguments and their Positions in Experimental Communication Data (2022). By Hendrik Hüning, Lydia Mechtenberg (University of Hamburg), and Stephanie W. Wang (University of Pittsburgh). 
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11/03/2022—How to Talk About an Out-group: Effects on In-group Trust and Out-group generosity (2021). By Jan Biermann, Hendrik Hüning, and Lydia Mechtenberg (University of Hamburg).
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18/02/2022—Democratic Efficacy and Schools: Curricula, Institutions, and Attidues (2022). By Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest) et al.
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18/02/2022—Group Norms and Policy Preferences: From Bullying to Populist Attitudes (2022). By Tamás Keller (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest) et al.
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16/02/2022—Schools’ We-mentality and Students’ Civic Engagement: A Text-based Approach (2022). By Hendrik Hüning (University of Hamburg).
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01/02/2022—Who Are the Populists and How to Respond to Them: Evidence from Mainstream European Parliament parties (2022). By Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos (Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy, Athens).
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17/11/2021—Populist Governance and Policies in Europe (2021). By Attila Bartha (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest) et al.
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07/10/2021—Populist Governance in Regional and Local Governments (2021). By Esther Pano (University of Barcelona) et al.
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28/09/2021—Mapping Policy Patterns of Populist Parties. A Quantitative Cross-Country Analysis (2021). By Oliver W. Lembcke (Ruhr University Bochum).
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28/09/2021—Impacts of Populism on the Party Systems (2021). By Martin Mejstřík (Charles University, Prague) et al.
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24/09/2021—Populism and Social Media: A comparative analysis of populists’ shared content and networks on Facebook (2021). By Adina Marincea (School of Communication and Media, SKAMBA) et al.
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23/09/2021—Citizens' Reactions to Populism in Europe: How do Target Groups Respond to the Populist Challenge? (2021). By Osman Sahin (Glasgow Caledonian University) et al. 
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02/09/2021—Populist policy positions in the European Parliament - The Eurozone Crisis (2021). By Balázs Horváthy and Viktor Szép (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest). 
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02/09/2021—Populist Parties: Migration Policy and Discourses in the European Parliament (2021). By Lena Karamanidou (Glasgow Caledonian University). 
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02/09/2021—The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies - The Case of (Im)migration (2021). By Lukasz Gruszczynski (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest; and Kozminski University) et al. 
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27/04/2021—Civic Strategies Addressing Populism - Initiatives to Safeguard Liberal Democracies (2021). By Elisa Lironi, Hendrik Nahr, and Rhys Nugent (European Citizen Action Service, ECAS).
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21/04/2021—The Expression of Right-Wing Populism in the Netherlands across Facebook Posts (2020). OSF Preprints. By Agneta Fischer, Charlotte Brands, and David Abadi (University of Amsterdam).
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15/04/2021—Self-Signaling in Moral Voting (2021). Discussion Paper Series, CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, UK. By Lydia Mechtenberg (University of Hamburg), Grischa Perino, Nicolas Treich, Jean-Robert Tyran and Stephanie Wang.
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16/03/2021—Detecting Argumentative Discourse in Online Chat Experiments (2021), by Hendrik Hüning, Lydia Mechtenberg (University of Hamburg), and Stephanie W. Wang (University of Pittsburgh).
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21/10/2020—Populist Constitutionalism. Its impact on the Constitution, the Judiciary and the Role of the EU (2020), by Josep Maria Castellà Andreu (University of Barcelona) et al. 
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12/08/2020—What Kind of Public Policies Trigger Populism? (2020), by Attila Bartha (Centre for Social Sciences) et al. 
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15/07/2020—Measuring Democratic Efficacy (2020)by Vaidas Morkevičius (Kaunas University of Technology) et al. 
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24/06/2020—Populist Parties in Contemporary Europe (2020), edited by Martin Mejstřík and Michal Kubát (Charles University in Prague). 
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17/06/2020—On the Institutional Context of Populism (2020), by Josep Maria Castellà and Marco Simonelli (University of Barcelona).
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05/05/2020—Populist Communication on Social Media (2020), by Samuel Bennett (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) et al.
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15/04/2020—Conceptualizing Democratic Efficacy (2020), by Márton Bene and Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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25/06/2020—Hungary Coronavirus Emergency Legislation 2020. Public Jurist (2020). By Umut Korkut (Glasgow Caledonian University).
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12/10/2022—Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe: Selected Findings (2022). Editor: Zsolt Boda (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest).
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02/08/2022—DEMOS Annual Report (2022-2021).
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18/07/2022—Unmasking Populism: Modalities, Scenarios, and Responses to a Persistent Threat (2022), by Teodora Dinova (European Citizen Action Service) et al.
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30/05/2022—Building an Immune System Against Fake News: Intervention Toolkit to Spot Disinformation (2022). By Peter Kreko (Political Capital) et al.
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30/05/2022—Wing: Background Information and Lesson Plans for the Online Game (2022). By Júlia Vujovits (DIA), Gábor Polyák (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest), and Orsolya Lencse-Csík (DIA).
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Play Wing in English or Hungarian.

12/10/2021—DEMOS Annual Report (2021-2020).
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25/05/2020—DEMOS Annual Report (2020-2019).
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